The tour will take you to the most splendid rooms of Vranov chateau and introduce you to the most important owners – the counts of Althann, who initiated the magnificent building transformation during the baroque and neoclassical periods in the 17th and 18th century.
The tour begins on the inner staircase with prints of the Spanish Riding School from the 18th century and leads into the marble corridor with the portrait gallery of the Althanns. Next you will enter the great baroque apartment with a anteroom, boudoir, bathroom, cabinet and a lady's bedroom. You will next see the grand drawing room, dining room, furnished hall and a bedroom of count Michael Joseph Althann with a toilet cabinet, adorned with exceptionally preserved wall canvas decorations and murals from the neoclassical period. Finally you will enter the monumental Hall of Ancestors, created by the imperial court architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, which is for its architectural design and artistic execution considered on of the most valuable baroque interiors in Central Europe. The tour ends at the souther terrace with a triumphal arch and splendid views of the surrounding landscape, originally designed as a spacious landscape garden.
- Tours for groups of 20+ people can be reserved by e-mail at the latest three days ahead by e-mail or by post. The order must include the date of the visit, the requested time of the visit, the chosen route, the number of people, the required language for the tour and the name and telephone number of the group leader. Group leaders with confirmed reservations should purchase tickets at the cashier no later than 15 minutes before the start of the tour. They must announce themselves at the counter without waiting, even if there is a queue of visitors. If they fail to announce their arrival within the given time limit, their group loses their right to a preferential tour.
- The cash desk is located in the second courtyard with a view of the Vranov valley.
- At the latest three minutes before the start of the tour participants must gather at the main court by the fountain, from where they will enter the chateau interiors.
- During the summer period the interval between tours is 10 minutes.
- The lunch-break is set by the regulations for visitors as from 12 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- The time for the ending of the opening hours is the time the last tour starts.
- In April and October on weekdays (apart from Mondays) the tour is available for groups of more than 10 who have booked in advance and with the previous confirmation by the chateau administration.
The guided tour route is shown by the photographic gallery STATELY INTERIORS.